Leigh RAM Installation
At Leigh Royal Ark Mariners our Master Elect Bro Norman Meadows had inadvertently booked his holiday to Scotland the same day as it was to be his Installation into the chair of the lodge. No problem! A letter to from the Lodge Secretary to the Provincial Secretary for a dispensation. All sorted.
Leigh Royal Ark Mariners & Guests
Norman & Gordon
Norman and Ian
Gordon Derek & Graham
Help yourself Ian.
Ready to set sail our WC Malcolm Parr opened the lodge and after the dispensation was read, a very warm welcome was given to our special guest  W Bro Ian Douglas Nairn RAMGR Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Malcolm offered the sceptre to Ian but not wanting to cause a storm, it was swiftly returned. The Worshipful Commander then invited PC Gordon Glover to take the Helm for the next part of the voyage. Assisted by Cyril Broome and Ken Alker a board of Installed Commanders was formed.
Now here`s one of you without the beard!
Visitors Dennis & Stuart
DCs Team & Special Rep
Bro Norman was presented to the acting WC for the benefit of Installation. This was carried out in an exemplary manner by Gordon. The address to the Commander was given by Cyril Broome and the exposition by Terry Dickinson both in a first-class way. Officers invested, Alms collected, and all other business concluded it was time for a refresher and for the informal get together to toast the health of the new Commander. This has been a tradition at Leigh for many years. After a wee drink it was down to the social board, with 27 dining. It would have been 30 but 3 were seasick. It was wonderful to see so many visitors including the Commander from Mount Ararat lodge Frank Laird and Garry Fisher who is Commander of Flixton lodge.
9 3 Worshipful Commanders
Here`s to your heath
Thanks Ian. These are for Judy
I have just learned today on the website of the forth coming retirement of our WBro Ian Nairn as APGM. All at Leigh Mark and the Royal Ark Mariners wish you well for the future and a warm welcome awaits you here, any time you want to visit. On a personal note I wish to thank Ian for all the assistance he gave to me during my time as Special Representative for the Wigan and District Area.
Words and pictures by Ken Alker